Aline Bergert

Aline Bergert

contact: Aline.Bergert [at]

Research Focus:
Digitalisation of Everyday Teaching in Higher Education. A Reconstructive Study of (Teaching) Practices Examining Engineering Courses at Saxon Universities


Empirical phenomenon & scientific problem:
Contrary to educational policy guidelines or media-didactic common-sense views, there is a certain resistance to digitalization/digitization (including associated ideas, expectations and requirements etc.) in everyday teaching in Higher Education. Existing contradictions and resistances cannot be explained exhaustively from findings in the field of educational technology or media didactic so far. Instead, everyday teaching practices (Hofhues 2017) and digitization concepts are recorded as desiderata (Riplinger/Schiefner-Rohs 2017).

Research subject and questions:
For my PhD I am investigating the connection of digitalization processes and everyday teaching practices at Higher Education Institutions (HEI). The research focus lies on action-relevant, collective orientation knowledge. I want to know how lecturers from engineering integrate/translate perceived digital conditions (Stalder 2018) into their teaching experiences.
Methodology and Methods: Methodologically, I choose a praxeological-reconstructive approach (Bohnsack 2017). The data collection (completed) was carried out through topic-based, narrative-based interviews (Schorn 2000; Nohl 2017). For data evaluation (ongoing), I am using the documentary method (Bohnsack 2003).

Theoretical basis:
As basis, I refer to the background theories of the documentary method: Mannheim (1964, 1980): Knowledge Sociology , Bourdieu (2009) Theory of Practice and Garfinkel (1967): Ethnomethodology. Here I will take central terms like everyday (practices), experiences, knowledge types etc.