Fabian Schmid

Fabian Schmid, M.A.

contact: fabian.schmid [at] soziologie.uni-halle.de

Research Focus:
The Translation of Territorial Concepts of Justice into an Indicator—Origin, Use and Consequences of the ‘Königstein Quota System’

The research project examines the ‘Königstein Quota System’, used to determine distributions for common tasks among the German federal states. This indicator translates state characteristics into numbers as well as translating these numbers into a political practice of problem solving. The historical origins and development processes (genesis) are examined in relation to the establishment of the ‘Königstein Quota System’ as a symbol of territorial justice and as a standard instrument of horizontal cooperation between the German federal states. Organisational practices in the field of distribution of asylum seekers are analysed (use and consequences) to shed light on the requirements, problems and effects of its implementation in a specific field. The methodology will include the analysis of archival material, topic modelling of newspaper articles, as well as expert interviews with administrative staff in the field of asylum seeker distribution.